Makeup Brush Woes

Is it just me, or has the world of makeup brushes and sponges become a super expensive, super confusing venture? I never used to wash them, I rarely changed foundation sponges, and now not only am I being told that they need to be washed super duper regularly, but I need to buy specific brushes for highlighting, contouring, eyeliner, different regions of eyeshadow… it’s all too much!

Personally, I have a few sets of brushes. One, I got from Poundland. Another, was £5 down from £30 in a Body Shop sale. I also have a few cheap off-the-shelf sponges from Superdrug. I’ve got a few other stragglers that came from various makeup sets here and there, but you catch my drift.




This is a small cross-section of my brush collection. They’re messy, they’re washed semi-regularly, and they are rarely used for what they’re intended for! This isn’t all of my brushes, but the others are a bit more dirty and I’m ashamed to show them off.

And just for fun, here a couple of sponges from a pack that I got for a pound:


I think the elitism that has been spread across the online makeup community is sad – so what if I get a set of brushes for a pound? So what if I use a lip brush to put some fancy glitter on my eyelid? As long as they’re clean when you swap them around, it doesn’t make any difference!

I try my best to use brushes as they’re intended, but sometimes I simply can’t afford to spend money on a highlighter brush, or fork out more than a fiver on specialist sponges when I know I can get them cheap somewhere else.

What I’m trying to say is… it’s time to end the brush snobbery. Keep them clean, treat yourself once in a while, but don’t worry about what you should and shouldn’t do with them. As long as you look good, keep doing what you’re doing!


3 thoughts on “Makeup Brush Woes

    • kierasherlock says:

      Honestly if you can find yourself a good deal, there’s no shame in getting cheap brushes! 🙂 x


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